GILA !! Mayat Pasangan Gay Di Titanic ~ Bila Han Bercerita

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

GILA !! Mayat Pasangan Gay Di Titanic

Gila !!pasangan gay berpelukan dalam pelampung..xtahu sejauh mana kesahihannya.nampak tulang je,xtau laki ke pompuan..tapi paper kata gitu.hehe..kalau salah..gua minta maaf :P je yang ada..lain2 keterangan x de...


  1. x tau nak kata la, entah ya atau x ???

  2. Can't find your Lynas post, just wanna say if you think what you previously shared is the fact then you shouldn't take it down even if you received a lot of disagreement.

    here's a story from Aussie, just a sharing on friend's post
